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One Brand, One Life

Religion has shaped human behavior for thousands of years. Evidently, religion is very good at offering three key benefits: a set of core beliefs, rituals, and a membership at a like-minded community.

Still, Religion’s true mastery has been in the marketing of the idea “beyond.” That there is a “beyond” to aspire to; a higher potential self to achieve; that man has the right to aspire to greater wisdom. This is the beginning of a higher road and religion is one’s guide to walk the path.

With 963 million search results, no doubt “Beyond” is a popular word. Religion is, also, up in the front row, with 1.5 trillion results. But wait! A word close to 6.5 trillion hits gives a sound hint that the focus of “Beyond” shifted elsewhere.


It’s not at all surprising, then, that brands have figured out that they can use some of the same basic principles to connect with their customers – and that brands have taken on such importance to consumers. And yet the self-serving, and consumption-focused beliefs, narrowly formulated by brands have little to offer beyond the boundaries of their products and services.

“Commit to Something” has been Equinox’s slogan for the last two years. Certainly, timely, in a time, where multi-tasking and inexhaustible experimentation are praised and commitment and attention spans are at an all time low.

In essence, “Commit to Something” is bigger than a brand value; it is inherently good, worth adopting and even building lives around.

So far, so good. But, Equinox does not stop at slogans. They have brought together a team of committed professionals who not only know the brand values by heart, but, live the brand, every day, every session. They understand how their actions impact company’s values and how their role supports the company’s mission.

But far more importantly, the employees are empowered and encouraged to share their own experiences, in fact, share their selves with the good, bad and the ugly.

Branson says it best. “Brand Values” are not about making a list of positive power words and expect people to live up to them. It is about allowing your employees to share their vulnerabilities in the context of a higher ground to genuinely connect with customers.

I was inspired to write this article after a not serious, but nevertheless, scary health incident yesterday where I walked into the gym to seek help. I had three trainers who were extremely helpful, and one in particular, who not only lived the Equinox brand but build it a notch up by truly caring.

Let’s never forget employees make brands, not mission statements nor slogans…though they inspire us to be the very best of our own version.